Develop Management Systems Key elements

Management covers the three key elements

  1. strategy,
  2. structure and
  3. culture.

Integrate sustainability in daily management Develop Management Systems

Successful management simultaneously develops these three elements: Targets become achievable if the strategy, the processes and responsibilities defined by the company structure as well as the company culture fit together.

The management system & the organisational regulations regarding duties, competencies, processes and reporting & provides the framework for optimal collaboration and optimal processes within the company.

An organisation has one management and ideally also one management system. Depending on the company, different topics can be organised in subsystems which nevertheless need to be attuned to the general system. For example, it must be ensured that the financial consequences from environmental measures are timely included within financial planning.

E2 supports companies in integrating their environmental and social aspects into the management system, e.g. according to the environmental management cycle of ISO 9001, 14001, 26001 or 50001.

an element of sustainable management Environmental Management (ISO 14001) -

The ISO 14001:2015 strengthens the strategic environmental management: Stakeholder groups have to be adressed, and contractual or self-declared obligations on environmental are to be followed. A thorough environmental management often already fulfils the requirements. A certification documents such a situation to 3rd parties.

In various sectors does the certification of a management system support credible communication of the company’s management quality towards suppliers, clients, shareholders and other stakeholders. On the other hand, the variety of international standards for environmental and sustainability management, such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 26000, ISO 50001, SA8000, AA1000, GRI, PRI etc. continues to grow. We align our consulting work with these standards. In some sectors, large corporations define which standards and certifications they demand from their suppliers. In other situations, the board of a company wants to use a management standard and certification to introduce a clear(er) structure and language, with the aim of improving its management quality and performance. In addition, the evolving European Union regulations deepen the requirements, both formally and content-wise.

In all cases we suggest to develop an understanding of the expected effects and value of a standard, and to understand these standards as tools for management. E2's perspective is to adapt the implementation of standards for maximum benefits of the company, in all its sustainability dimensions.

E2 helps companies to determine the potentials of management standards for the own company, to develop their management systems according to these standards, and, if appropriate, to prepare for certification.

Integrate Sustainability in the Management System